Sahil Nanda | Shutterbug
I always strive to make the best photographs of the environment that I am in.
Himalaya Marg
Chandigarh, India
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Vendor Details
It all started one fine day when my father brought home a digital point-and-shoot camera (while I was studying to become a mechanical engineer). That day, photography became my passion. I completed my Graduation (B. Tech.), worked as a mechanical engineer for a few months only to realise that I did not belong there. Hence, I ended up joining Raghu Rai Centre for Photography for their 1 year diploma in Creative Photography in order to experience the different genres of photography that I hadn't tried before, to have a clearer vision of the path that I wanted to take when I would go out into the world as a professional. I can safely say that that purpose has been fulfilled.Now, I always strive to make the best photographs of the environment that I am in.
Pre Weddings
Post Weddings
Post Weddings
Kids Photography
Pre Weddings
Post Weddings
Post Weddings
Kids Photography
Price on Request
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